
Thursday, 6 August 2020

Waterloo Road Documentary 2020

Finished documentary for level 3 media studies. 

Our brief was to create 4 - 8 minute documentary appealing to Hornby High School students and the wider Hornby community. I hope this documentary makes a difference and inspires change to Waterloo Rd to make it safer!

Tuesday, 28 July 2020


We are the tenants

With close reference to the text, discuss the poet’s use of imagery to describe the North.

The Poem 'We are the tenants' by Kapka Kassabova, uses imagery to describe the North Island of New Zealand. Kapka uses similes to show how they see the North in their eyes, especially in the first stanza. The simile; 'The people smile with missing teeth like hosts of a drunk party.' shows how they see the people in the north. Implying more negative connotations of the people of NZ. This simile however, shows how they view the North itself 'The hills are packed like cement,' which implies that they see the North as old and hard, looks like it's been there for centuries. Or possibly that the hills look man made. That New Zealand doesn't look as pristine as they had hoped. This simile linked with the metaphor 'cemeteries lush with centuries of flesh.' really enhances what they are describing the North to be; packed in tight, full, hard and old, giving it a more negative connotation.


Explain how contrasts of ideas are important in the passage. Give details from the text to support your answer.

Limestone, by Fiona Farrell, contrasts two ideas that are important in this passage; The exceptions she come back to and the realties that are. A significant way Farrell shows the contrast on both of these key ideas is diction and figurative language.

"...that dream of primeval beaches scattered with driftwood, and dark forests, and plains"
- expectations
"That dream she knows to be corrupted by reality"
"Legendary and beautiful from 30,0000 feet, shorn of their clutter of rusted cargo boats and effluents and chemic spills and millennia of quarrelsome human history." 
- Human impact
"...we're all trying to paddle towards perfection but we don't know how to get there, so we squabble and fight." "all just trying to find happiness" - Understanding

threatened, burned, corrupted, arguing, cramped - negatives connotations - Reality

dream, perfection, primeval, happiness, settles and bulking herself in - Positive connotations - Expectations


Lament - is an expression of sadness. With close reference to the text, discuss the style used in the non-italicised section of the poem to convey this sadness.

In the poem Lament, one of the aspects of style is repetition, which effectively conveys the idea of sadness. The repetition of ‘it does not matter if…’ helps to show the idea of this person's grief and sadness. Saying things like; ‘It does not matter if’ ‘...I am happy,’ ‘if...I am sad,’ ‘if...he is gone,’. This use of repetition starts off each stanza of the poem, showing their sadness each and every time. Reminding the reader of their grief. 

Personification and diction - choice of words - ‘ front door trembles like a lip.’ ‘windows poke out their tongues for a drop of water’ ‘trees keep their shadows tightly to themselves’ ‘ - very unique sayings, not something you would usually hear people saying or even written before. - shows us what their surroundings are in an almost gloomy tone. Making these objects seem sad themselves.

-Ran out of time.

Monday, 27 July 2020

Art - Level 3 - 2020

Week 10 Term 3

Plan for artboards two and three!

Week 9 Term 3

This is what I will be doing for the next few lessons; experimenting like this;


Over the past week, I've been trying to take more photos to add to my artboard.

However, none of them is. good enough to put on my board; they all look like a pile of rubbish that doesn't resemble a bird at all. - I will upload some of these 'bad' pictures soon!

Week 8 Term 3

Over the last two weeks... 

What my artboard looks like: Week 4, Term 3.

Ive put all my photos together to get a feel of what my art board is going to look like so far. My next steps are to edit the lighter photos in the centre to make them fit in more.  You can see how I've put my work into series and sequences throughout this screenshot. Also the story of my folio too.

Then hopefully get some photos of chimney smoke to overlay on some of the albatrosses like this:

My New photos!  Week 3, Term 3

Series and Sequences

On Mondays lesson we were told to cut up previous students art folios on paper and to make a line that makes sense to us explaining why we put it in the above order. 

Me and my partner started off with two artworks with strong thick lines in pencil and paint, showing a lot of vibrant colours in a more Disney/circus style. Then we introduced a darker style montage, including a more realistic style of the circus and starts to introduce a puppet theme. In the next artwork we start to introduce more animals and pops of colour in the background which follow throughout the rest of the artwork in the folio. The next two art works are of a monkey entertaining a human and a elephant sick on the floor. Both artworks share the same style, colours and themes. The next artwork then leads into a different theme of comparing these two characters; the humans and the circus animals. this then leads into two more art works evolving on this theme; a human with curious Georges head juggling emotions, followed by a realistic monkey ring leader, wearing their hat. The final artwork shows the reversed reality; humans being caged and used as curious animals; implied on the tv, and a with what looks like to be as a badger sitting on a couch watching tv.

Week 2  Term 3

What my folio plan looked like at the end of term 2.
(Plans for first two panels)

What my folio looks like after teacher feedback.
(Moving pictures around and removing some.)

After talking to my art teacher we have decided to change my Why? To Pollution.

What Im planning to do next.  

 In the next few days I am planning to do a photoshoot with water pollution.
(Will be doing this at home. Will add more photos and colour to my folio.) - Not my photos!

Over the weekend I've Come up with some ideas of over laying factory chimneys over my pictures. 
(Adds more NEW idea of pollution, will be done while waiting for photoshoot to be completed.)
- also not my photos - from google!

Week 1, Term 3.      My Checklists so far:

(Will be working on completing 3.2 in the next week or two, the moving on to 3.3.)

Monday, 22 June 2020

Art 2020

Inspirational Photos for Art board



Plan for my art board panels

Monday, 2 March 2020


Here are some of my notes
on the Alexander the Great documentary.


Hulk VS Herakles

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

L3 English

Quentin Tarantino - Read and discuss:

Best writing so far - Blurbs:

“Set in 1853, this isn’t a runaway narrative. It’s a run-toward narrative, rigged for shock. Each scene lays a stick of dynamite and lights a fuse that runs down and down and down until the whole thing blows up like the Fourth of July. I’ve never seen anything like this movie, not in one 165-minute sitting, not from a single director, not made with this much conscientious bravado and unrelenting tastelessnessthis much exclamatory kitsch — on a subject as loaded, gruesome, and dishonourable as American slavery.” -  Uses a metaphor that could be linked to the end of the film, like a spoiler. -Adjectives!

Film Analysis - Psychology Today.
The film Django is a spaghetti-style western mixed with a slave revenge fantasy. Some have been triggered by the language used, N-word. Saying that it is  "disrespectful to his ancestors”. However, Tarantino says 'actually it highlights the horrors of slavery more than the film’s humour.' in Psychology Today.

"Darwin’s theory - inherently selfish and willing to do whatever it takes to compete effectively and to keep fit enough to stay in power. - According to Freud, your innate desire is to reap the greatest pleasure from living, by gaining an upper hand on people and circumstance. -   Dr King Schultz, and black slave Django, whom Schultz recently freed: Schultz wants the financial reward of killing outlaws and Django wants to rescue his wife Brunhilde (Kerry Washington) from slavery. But, the two are better fit together, than either is alone. Schultz needs Django’s passion and brawn, as much as Django needs Schultz’ intellect and wit, to meet their goals. So, they strike a compromise to satisfy their desires. Django bounty hunts with Schultz for six months, in return for which Schultz will help Django to free his wife from slavery."

"There are many examples of Darwin's and Freud's theory of human nature, in this movie. Tarantino gets us to consider the features of human beings that make them most fit to survive. Is it brawn as depicted in Mandingo fighting? Or, is it ingenuity and intellect, like Dr Schultz, that helps us to survive? Or, perhaps, love and passion is the best expression of human nature and that which helps us to thrive (Django and Brunhilde)? Dr Schultz' evolution of character informs us as to where Tarantino falls on this matter."

"You cannot live healthily or happily by living solely to satisfy your own needs. This is what Schultz discovered by freeing Django. He discovered in himself desires that were greater than material reward. Django's burning desire to rescue his wife Brunhilde from slavery, at all costs, gave Schultz hope in something greater than himself. This is what unchained Schultz from a survival of the fittest mentality and allowed him to start living by his deeper principles."

Directors Influence
Blaxploitation - Is a type of subgenre of film that originated from the United States; has big numbers of stereotypical characters with bad/questionable motives; roles of criminals etc.

"As the hero of the film, Django Freeman is a twenty-first-century version of a Blaxploitation protagonist. An unapologetic African-American hero who seeks justice against racist white overlords, also corrupt collaborators like Stephen. " 

Planning for directors styles.
How would you characterise Stanley Kubrick’s style as a director? Consider camera movements, setting, mood, editing, camera shots, music, dialogue, etc. Use outside sources to help you write a paragraph answer and post to your blogs with references.
Dramatic and drawn out, raw.  More realistic feel. Can relate? Dark and abstract. - uses wide-angle shots and symmetrical shots to add more menacing and scary. - Forcing them to pay attention. Disturbing, political messages. - Perfectionist
Why would Luhrmann be called the anti-Kubrick? Use outside sources to help you write a paragraph answer and include references. Add to your post.
Sharp and straight to the point, chaotic. Unrealistic. Unique style. Bright and bold. Controlled chaos. High saturation to almost look fake. Tragic romances. - dreamy quality. - spoiled his endings at the beginning. - heightened reality.

Character Strengths and Questions 


 1) What are the conditions that have led you to be hopeful in your life?

I was raised that way. - I like to imagine a good future whilst focusing on the present. Is there any point on focusing on the bad when there could be a good/ better outcome that you can come to/ work towards to.

 2) How do you balance what is realistic and what is unrealistic in terms of your expression of hope and optimism? 

By planning things out and making timetables- Is it doable? Time management!! If I can work towards it and put in the work then usually it is realistic. 

 3) What role does hope play during challenging times in your life? How do you express hope at those times?

That there is always a positive side to something. Sometimes it's just harder to see. Seeing different perspectives and challenges differently to me can be very helpful to help myself and others. 


 1) What circumstances make it most likely you will experience gratitude? What circumstances make it most likely you will express gratitude?

After being helped or offered help, for being loved and taught. Also good advice and new experiences.

 2) Are there people to whom you have not adequately expressed gratitude, as an oversight or intentionally holding it back (e.g., family, friends, co-workers, mentors, community members)? If so, why?

Not really that I can think of. Maybe, Someone higher up than me in a job that is highly respected. He/She doesn't need that confirmation of gratitude from me.

 3) To what degree do you express gratitude to others out of a deep feeling of appreciation as opposed to social convention?

For close family and friends, I express on a more personal level of gratitude. I trust them and they trust me. Things can be said and done that, to me, feel I am more connected to them and they will appreciate the gratitude that I give.


 1) How is your strength of fairness expressed at work, at home, and in the community?

Everyone is different, everyone has a different way of doing things. - Different strengths etc, why not bring that to the table and make others weakness stronger etc.

 2) In what situations have you received feedback that you have acted unfairly? How did you handle the situation?

Try and see that persons perspective and why they may think I acted Unfairly. Find a solution to the problem/situation.

 3) How do you reconcile your sense of fairness with the reality that “life is not fair”?

It's just the way things go. Make something good out of it. But it's good to have an opinion on it.